ALIS Bristol - Automated Architecture (AUAR)




UK, Bristol, Knowle West Media Centre


October 2020
Alis Bristol is part of a larger study promoting accessible construction by utilizing repeated plywood blocks that are assembled by non-professionals. The structure in Bristol is a linear structure with two structural cores.

Alis Bristol is a linear structure with two structural cores, one much thicker and solid than the other. The structure is characterized by a long linear beam that sits perpendicular to the existing building. It is a single story structure that's up until April 2021.


The project is an open space made up of fabricated plywood blocks. The blocks are identical except for rare incidents where special structural requirements are needed. The blocks will make up the walls, floors, roof, and structural beams. The project speculates on a potential assembly, disassembly, and reassembly using the same blocks. The reuse of blocks is only used for internal non-structural uses.


The plywood rectangular hollow bricks are fabricated by hand. The blocks are staggered when possible and a flemish bond is introduced to improve structural performance when blocks overlap. The blocks rely on nails, blots and glue to form a rigid structural section.


The structure is not built or installed by a professional contractor but by volunteers as well as AUAR staff. It is part of a larger study into participatory and co-operative construction methods where the construction system facilitates assembly promoting accessible construction.